The observation of the housing crisis...
Before the Economic Affairs Committee, Valérie Létard was able to present her ministry's roadmap. This roadmap will be implemented "in close collaboration with the Prime Minister" and will be subject to change over time.
After confirming the serious crisis in the sector, an observation made in particular by the president of Action Logement during the USH congress, who feared for hundreds of thousands of jobs, the minister described her roadmap as "a medium-term action plan" presenting measures that are "urgent and common sense".
...which calls for urgent measures
Extension of the PTZ
The first of these urgent measures concerns home ownership. Valérie Létard confirmed that the government was planning to extend the zero-rate loan (PTZ) across the country for new builds and to maintain the PTZ for old builds in relaxed areas.
A booklet
The Minister of Housing also mentioned a reduction in the Livret A rate from next February. The aim of this reduction is to "give social landlords some breathing space".
Tax exemption on donations
She also announced support for rental investment, in particular through tax exemption on donations to children and grandchildren which would make it possible to more strongly mobilise "dormant capital".
Longer term measures
Beyond these initial "emergency" measures, the minister wants to simplify the standards concerning urban planning and construction. On this subject, she said she wanted to avoid an "over-transposition of European texts" in this area. To develop the "urban transformation industry", the government will support the bill on the transformation of offices into housing and intends to tackle "with Parliament" the issue of the reconversion of commercial wastelands. The minister also wants to "guarantee the investment of social landlords to go beyond the 82.000 approved housing units" and simplify the issuing of planning permissions as well as the use of PLU exemptions.
Student housing
The issue of student housing was also addressed. The minister considered that it is necessary to "move towards intermediate student housing", ease standards and support projects.
Collective habitat
In favour of the development of "new forms of collective housing", the minister announced the launch of a mission dedicated to intergenerational housing which should deliver its conclusions before the end of the first quarter of 2025.
Furnished tourism
She also wants better exploitation of the existing stock and for long-term rentals to be prioritised. In this respect, she has renewed her support for the proposed law on the regulation of furnished tourist accommodation which has just been definitively adopted by Parliament.
Rent control
The minister proposes that rent control "be evaluated in 2025" and announces that she wishes to work on measures to support the mobility of social housing tenants by giving additional room for maneuver to landlords on the setting of rents, in particular.
Energy renovation
On the issue of energy renovation, Valérie Létard confirms the government's line of continuing to invest, through the MaPrimeRénov' scheme, the implementation of which will enable 2025 homes to be renovated in 350.000.
Working group on the "Renovation Bank"
She also announced the launch before the end of the week of a working group on the "Renovation Bank", an idea notably defended by several recent parliamentary works.