In the presence of more than sixty participants, this event was an opportunity for its President, Philippe Hostalery and its General Delegate, Nicolas Pouvreau, to take stock of the dynamism of the MCM.
One year after its official launch in November 2023, the Maison de la Construction Métallique, a 34-member structure that brings together all the players in the metal construction, metalwork, locksmithing and metal envelope sectors, draws up a positive assessment of the actions carried out.
The House of Metal Construction: 360° dynamism
Confirming its primary vocation of defending the entire metal construction sector with both the Project Owner and the public authorities, the MCM already has a strong asset base.
The MCM claims to have held 24 meetings as well as the creation of 5 thematic committees (Sustainable Development/New standards and regulations/Training, Competitiveness of the sector and new markets/Communication and promotion of the sector) which have worked concretely for the metal construction sector.
Thus, the New Standards and Regulations Committee has centralized monitoring activities on new standards, by creating a map of the commissions in which MCM members sit, in order to identify missing areas. At the same time, it is continuing to reflect on the use of conventional AI in order to answer members' questions on standards and regulations.
Along the same lines, if the Training Committee has produced an interactive map of existing initial training and identified some gaps, it is also working on anticipating needs for tomorrow's training, such as those for EXC1 welding supervisor, EXC2 coordinator, frame fitter or dismantler, whether for young people or people in continuing training.
The Industry Competitiveness & New Markets Committee, for its part, worked on developing a decarbonization roadmap and identified financing levers, while benefiting from feedback with the creation of a building recycling center in the Lyon metropolitan area. An initiative that resulted in the creation of a cooperation center generating 30 full-time equivalents, including 6 in integration, an exponential number of steel tonnage from reuse and 3 million euros in turnover.
As for the Communication & Promotion Committee of the sector, it has concretized, in addition to the creation of a website and a YouTube channel, the participation of the MCM in two television programs aimed at making the sector better known. It is at the origin of active participations as well as partnerships during
8 major events: Tes Cop ou pas cap, Archi Folies, Batimat/MetalExpo, Firefighters Congress, C21 Circular Economy Day, Steel-In, Building for the Climate, Meeting of relay partners.
These committees have therefore worked concretely for the entire sector and the profession has already distinguished some, like those devoted to Sustainable Development and Training. Indeed, the work of these committees won a Gold Award at the Mondial du Bâtiment Innovation Awards, Training and Service category.
An award that crowned the creation of a complete eco-system with the launch of the Réemploi digital platform (https://metalreemploi.com/) which is coupled with the establishment of new educational pathways (to support the entire steel industry in this transition focused on an eco-responsible approach to materials management). It should be noted that this is a real innovation, with a unique benchmark in France proving that MCM is avant-garde in this area compared to other materials.
Another strong digital initiative signed by the MCM, the new steel exchange (www.boursedesaciersneufs.com), a virtual trading room which connects sellers and buyers of new, unused products (leftover orders, bulk purchases, etc.).
Finally, let us mention that the MCM, through its Sustainable Development Committee, has initiated a partnership with SEDDRe, the demolition workers' union, to structure the reuse of metal elements. This partnership provides for precise specifications with criteria for the recovery of materials according to quality and traceability standards, whether they are registered or not, thus making it possible to optimize recovery prices. The objective is to create a collaborative model where builders and demolition workers maximize the reuse of steel in new projects. A work in progress that should be operational by 2025.
Finally, let us emphasize that metal construction is a dynamic sector, with numerous opportunities (design offices, workshop prefabrication, on-site installation, etc.) and whose sectoral needs in terms of jobs are legion.
In this regard, Nicolas Pouvreau, general delegate of the MCM, specifies: "We have a constant need for recruitment in all areas, from costing to production, including design offices and workshops. Demand is particularly strong in certain industrial regions, where metal construction is a key sector. We also want to show that our professions are open to all and that working conditions are safer, in cleaner and more modern workshops.
We promote digital professions and lifting-assisted handling. The workshops are now equipped with digital machine tools and conveyors to transport parts, making them more accessible and more attractive. To further improve working conditions, we are also testing exoskeletons to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and back pain. We are also investing in workshop ventilation and the use of extractor torches to reduce welding fumes, as well as in artificial intelligence or virtual or augmented reality to simulate the work before moving on to reality. In this spirit, we work closely with France Travail, participate in numerous conferences, in the employment week and regularly organize open days.
The House of Metal Construction: a growing team
It should also be noted that the MCM team has expanded since September 2024 with the arrival of Oréade Knobloch, hired as Head of Activities Organization and Management. This professional in institutional relations and network animation, specializing in construction and the circular economy, will focus in particular on the development of the association through various missions. In addition to organizing events and meetings with the project owner, Oréade Knobloch will ensure the animation of the networks and steering committees, administrative management and accounting control of the MCM. It should be noted that she will also manage legal files and the search for subsidies.
Finally, the Maison de la Construction Métallique will meet on January 30, 2025 in Paris, on the occasion of Decarbonization Day (at the Maison de l'Architecture Paris 10th).