With strong territorial roots thanks to its more than 1000 points of sale throughout France, POINT.P relies on its daily proximity with artisans to encourage them to use the safety equipment that protects them.
A prevention campaign as close as possible to realities on the ground
Also, if for more than 30 years, safety has been at the heart of its concerns, POINT.P is proud today to include this ambitious prevention and awareness campaign as close as possible to artisans. Thus, POINT.P wants to make each agency a place dedicated to prevention and raising awareness among its customers. The brand, concerned about their safety and health, is now going even further with the scale of its project and the human and material intensity it devotes to it. This prevention campaign is seen as the starting point to generate a frank and inclusive discussion around safety at work.
POINT.P wanted to take advantage of the echo of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28 to, initially, deploy the prevention campaign in its 1.000 points of sale. The campaign continued until May 22 directly on customer sites during a delivery day (4.000 deliveries on average per day) to distribute 12.000 gloves free of charge.
Close to craftsmen, POINT.P wishes to emphasize the use of the tool which, even today, is one of the leading causes of professional accidents in construction in France. In order to stick to the realities on the ground in agencies or on construction sites, this campaign is based on illustrated, short and offbeat messages.
These messages are based on everyday tools used by everyone (saw, diamond blade, sledgehammer, etc.). By making this choice of medium, the Brand wishes to be able to reach the craftsman in a direct, non-condescending or academic manner and thus ensure a lasting place for safety in toolboxes.
Convinced of the sincerity in its approach, POINT.P wishes to mobilize all parties to create a reflex of vigilance for oneself and for others. An unfilmed tile box placed a little too high, an insufficient safety distance between a trolley and an employee... It can be enough for one inaccuracy in a chain of actions to cause an accident. Security is therefore an individual but also a collective task.
Point.P also wishes to continue this momentum with its commitments to the future generation of construction craftsmen
POINT.P has the desire to address a wide audience and to act from the upstream end of the construction industry. Since 1979, POINT.P has formed partnerships with training centers, where reflexes are taught to future professionals. During 2024, POINT.P will raise awareness through this prevention campaign among young apprentices from the Builders School launched by Saint-Gobain Distribution Bâtiment France or who have benefited from the Young Artisan Pack to support young craftsmen in their new activity.
The Brand will also be present at the WorldSkills in Lyon from September 10 to 15, 2024. It will have a space dedicated to prevention.
A campaign with a sympathetic tone to raise awareness “down to the gesture”
Supported by a colorful drawing by the artist Geoffroy de Crécy, the campaign is aimed in the universal language of illustration at young and old artisans, French-speaking or not, who do not yet quite have this culture of safety, which is nevertheless important in the building trades. The messages, simple and in the form of punchlines, are initially engraved by laser on a selection of everyday tools and in limited series such as the saw, the diamond blade and the sledgehammer. To increase the impact of prevention messages in its 1.000 points of sale, the products concerned will also be stickered. POINT.P is studying the possibility, secondly, of directly and industrially engraving prevention messages during the manufacture of tools.
It is a question of going beyond the simple nature of normative and regulatory information, the bias is to illustrate on the tool itself the risks linked to use without protection by PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). The idea is to challenge and create awareness without making people feel guilty. The objective is to surprise, make an impression and create the safety reflex. A safety reflex for all craftsmen. Since April 29, all POINT.P agencies have dressed in the colors of the prevention campaign.
On the first day of the campaign's launch, the agencies marked their commitment by offering 40.000 pairs of gloves to customers. On May 22, POINT.P drivers who visited customer sites during their deliveries distributed 12.000 gloves and t-shirts bearing these prevention messages.