Heat pump and air conditioning: good practices and mandatory measures
Lasting one day, the new training set up by the Testo Academy, the company's training center, is broken down into:
- A theoretical part during which the components and terminology of a heat pump, the operating principles, the main refrigerant fluids, the regulatory points (F-Gas, maintenance obligation for 4-70 KW heat pumps), which can intervene on an installation and for what missions, ... The essential measuring equipment will also be presented such as the new testo R32 capacity certification kit including the testo 570s connected electronic manifold, the digital refrigerant balance, the refrigerant leak detector testo 316-3, the R32 recovery station, …
- A practical part during which professionals carry out manipulations on an installation using the manufacturer's measuring devices: vacuum drawing, nitrogen filling, pressure and temperature measurement, leak detection, etc.
At the end of the day, the validation of the acquired knowledge is carried out using an analysis report and a questionnaire.
Able to accommodate 5 participants, these training sessions will take place from November 2023 either at the testo Academy in Forbach or at a testo partner distributor to facilitate the mobilization of heating installers and maintenance companies.
Qualiopi certified, the testo Academy allows trainees to benefit from having their training covered by OPCOs (Skills Operators).