MaPrimeRénov' evolves
It will be possible to combine an eco-loan to finance energy renovation work with MaPrimeRénov'. The eco-loan must not exceed 30.000 euros and the work concerned (insulation of housing, change of heating mode) can already be started, but at most 6 months before the request for this interest-free loan.
The agreement of the National Housing Agency (Anah) for the allocation of MaPrimRénov' will be sufficient to constitute the file with the bank, without it being necessary to provide the list of works concerned. However, the loan must be issued within 6 months of this notification from Anah.
Only banks that have signed an agreement with the State will be able to issue this subsidized loan.
End of three EEC boosts
Three boosts for the insulation of roofs, attics and low floors, will be removed. The National Insulation Union is asking for an emergency plan and an immediate increase in the obligation for the fifth period of the CEE, up to 1.000 TWhc. The government is currently considering these requests.
Before he was re-elected, Emmanuel Macron had promised to increase basic retirement pensions from July 1, 2022 in order to improve the purchasing power of retirees in the face of inflation. The President of the Republic confirmed on April 11 that he intended to keep his promise.
Fuel prices
To cope with soaring fuel prices at the pump, a discount of 15 euro cents excluding tax per liter will be applied from April 1, 2022 to July 31, 2022. With VAT, this reduction reaches 18 cents in mainland France , or 9 euros for a full 50 liters.
This reduction applies to all fuels: diesel fuels B0, B7, B10, B30, B100 and XTL, including for non-road use (GNR), gasoline SP95/98-E5, SP-95-E10, LPG-c , CNG in compressed (CNG) or liquefied (LNG) form, superethanol E85, diesel ethanol ED95.
Tariff shield on the price of gas
Scheduled to end on June 30, the tariff shield against rising gas prices is finally extended until the end of 2022.
Rental between individuals
Additional information will have to be added in the announcements. A decree published in the Official Journal of April 22, 2022 provided the list of information that will have to appear on rental advertisements (pages 110 and 111 of 256). The following information must appear in particular in the advertisements:
- the amount of the monthly rent and, where applicable, the additional rent (mention “per month” or “/month”;
- the amount of rental charges or recoverable charges (mention “charges included” or “CC”) and the terms of payment for these charges;
- if the accommodation is located in an area governed by a rent control system, mention "area subject to rent control":
- the amount of the increased reference rent preceded by the words “increased reference rent (base rent not to be exceeded)”;
- the amount of the base rent preceded by the words “base rent”;
- where applicable, the amount of the additional rent required preceded by the words "additional rent";
- the amount of any security deposit required;
- the furnished nature of the rental;
- the amount of taxes included in the fees charged to the tenant when carrying out the inventory;
- the municipality and, where applicable, the district in which the rental property is located;
- the surface of the rented property in square meters of living space.
End of oil or coal-fired boilers
To continue the fight against greenhouse gas emissions, the installation of heating or hot water production equipment running on fuel oil will be prohibited from July 1, 2022 except in the event of impossibility of use. other sources of energy. If you already have this type of device, they can continue to be used, maintained and repaired. Aid of up to 11.000 euros is also planned to encourage the replacement of these polluting devices.
All new equipment using heat networks, electricity, biomass, solar or geothermal energy, gas, or even a liquid biofuel (such as biofuel), may be installed or may replace fuel oil equipment and coal, as long as they respect the emission ceiling of 300 gCO2eq/KWh PCI.