It includes a work methodology for the installation of thermal insulation from the outside (ITE) with any type of rigid insulation panels from a foot scaffold. This allows companies faced with this work situation to be protected against falls from height while facilitating the work gesture. Developed by the OPPBTP and professional organisations, in particular the External Thermal Insulation Group (GITE-FFB), this methodology is made available to companies on the OPPBTP website, after validation of its compliance with the regulation by the Directorate General of Labour, in June 2022.
Respond to a recurring problem on ITE work by coating on insulation
ITE work by coating on insulation, from a foot scaffolding, involves installing this work equipment at a distance greater than 20 cm from the facade to be insulated. The application of the regulations requires, in this case, the integration of collective protection devices (guardrails or equivalent) against falls from a height on the side of the facade or the use of personal protective equipment.
However, feedback from companies reveals that the permanent presence of collective protection, on the façade side, currently offered by scaffolding manufacturers, can prove to be restrictive in relation to the various tasks that follow one another for this type of work. This may result in the temporary removal of these protections for the execution of the coating, after installation of the insulation panels.
Since 2017, the OPPBTP and the FFB have carried out a study with the aim of defining work practices to optimize the use of collective protection devices against falls on the façade side, while combining protection and compatibility with each phase of work. .
A work methodology defined for the ITE by rigid insulation panels from a foot scaffold
The results obtained made it possible to define a work methodology for ETI using rigid insulation panels from a base scaffold. This was declared compliant with the regulations by the General Directorate of Labor in June 2022 (article R4323-78 of the Labor Code).
Thanks to this method, the temporary guardrails, installed on the facade side at the start of the work, can be removed, under certain conditions which are detailed there, after gluing/shimming the insulation.
The protective devices are thus only in place, in “current parts”, during the work phases during which their presence does not have a predominant impact on the final quality.
For the following coating application phases, the operators continue the work without constraints or obstacles to movement. They are then able to master the professional gesture and therefore the rendering and the final appearance, as well as their intervention times.
For Valérie Tournier, Domain Manager within the Technical Department of the OPPBTP: "This methodology thus makes it possible to combine, via the optimization of the use of the removable guardrail, protection against falls from height throughout the works and the improvement of working postures with cost control, deadlines and quality of work. »
The OPPBTP makes this methodology available to all companies on his website. She also provides ''How to" guide to help companies implement good practices in the context of ITE work with rigid insulation.