These strategic documents constitute France's roadmap for conducting its climate and energy transition. They are scheduled to be revised every five years.
At the national level, climate change is already having a tangible impact on the daily lives of the French, with an average temperature increase of +1,7° compared to the pre-industrial era and the increase in extreme weather events. The Government is taking action to limit as much as possible the greenhouse gas emissions that are responsible for this, and to adapt our society to the effects of climate change. The three corresponding roadmaps – the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PNACC), the SNBC and the PPE – form the basis of coherent, integrated and ambitious action in this area.
These documents reflect the increase in France's climate and energy ambition, in line with the European objectives set out in the European Green Deal (the "Fit for 55" package).
They are based on significant modelling work to ensure the feasibility of the climate and energy transition scenario envisaged, for all sectors of activity. In particular, they provide a strategy for developing clean mobility to guide the impact of this scenario on transport.
Accelerating the fight against climate change requires a strong commitment from everyone, effective public policies and transformations throughout our economy. To do this, the Government has chosen to place citizens' associations at the heart of the energy-climate programming exercise. Everyone must be aware of the objectives and be able to express their views on public policy choices, in order to act for the transition according to their means, skills and impact. Two national consultations and one public consultation have thus been organized since the end of 2021.
This consultation conducted under Article L. 100-1 of the Energy Code is held under the supervision of the National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP) which has appointed Isabelle BARTHE and Dominique PACORY as guarantors for this consultation.
At the end of this public consultation, the Government will analyse the opinions of citizens and institutional and business stakeholders, and will publish a summary.
For Agnès PANNIER-RUNACHER, Minister of Ecological Transition, Energy, Climate, and Risk Prevention: "The National Low-Carbon Strategy, along with the Multi-Year Energy Program and the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan, is one of the pillars of the French energy-climate strategy. The publication of the third edition of the SNBC should enable us to achieve the objective of -50% of our gross greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2030. Over the last 12 months, we have reduced our emissions by -4.8% and we will have to continue at this pace to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050. To achieve this ambitious objective, the effort to be made is collective. It will be made possible by the contribution of all economic sectors and the mobilization of all stakeholders invited to express their views on our national strategy."
For François DUROVRAY, Minister Delegate for Transport: "We will not meet the climate challenge without accelerating the decarbonization of our transport, which still represents one of the most polluting sectors today. The clean mobility development strategy submitted for consultation presents guidelines for keeping our commitments: working in partnership with the regions and all stakeholders is a necessity!"
For Olga GIVERNET, Minister Delegate for Energy: "Controlling our consumption and our production tools is the challenge to be met. To succeed, we must plan intelligently the development of our energy sources, based on concrete data, but above all on feedback and real needs on the ground. It is this consultation that will guarantee a solid energy strategy anchored in reality."
Terms of consultation
An online consultation platform (open to all) hosts the supporting documents for the consultation.
Contributions can be made on a dedicated platform from November 2 for a period of 6 weeks.
Events will be organized throughout this consultation, in particular:
- a webinar presenting the main issues of the SNBC and the PPE;
- expert debates, meetings of stakeholders involved in the process; meetings of competent bodies and authorities on energy and climate transition issues.
The consultation program will be kept up to date on the consultation website and the dates of the various events will be specified at least 15 days before they are held. Particular attention will be paid to the participation of young audiences in these events given the influence of the choices associated with this programming on their future.
In addition, kits will be made available online to enable those who wish to organise dedicated meetings locally in order to develop their contribution to the consultation.
Finally, legal entities (local authority, association, consular chamber, professional union, public, parapublic or private body, etc.) will be able to submit a reasoned stakeholder notebook in connection with the energy and climate planning documents submitted for consultation.
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