Hellio notably helped the municipality to obtain the necessary aid to carry out renovation work on your primary school.
The project involved three buildings with a total surface area of 620 m2 during the summer holidays in order to offer, from the start of the school year, better comfort to the 54 students as well as the educational team, while reducing consumption. energy. Thanks to the renovation work, the establishment is aiming for savings of €4.000 and 3.000 liters of fuel oil per year.
The installation of the new heating system is part of the vast energy renovation project for educational establishments announced by the Government. The objective is to have renovated around 40.000 schools in France within 10 years.
Accelerate the energy renovation of schools to achieve carbon neutrality objectives
The renovation of school buildings is a colossal project, the objective of which is to reduce the energy consumption planned by the tertiary decree for 40 by 2030%. The challenge is to renovate around 40.000 schools within ten years.
To help local authorities strengthen their environmental performance, the Government is relying on the fund for accelerating the ecological transition of territories, called the “Green Fund”, endowed with 2 billion euros. 500 million euros should be entirely dedicated to renovating schools.
Among the green solutions to be deployed, Emmanuel Macron announced, during the presentation of his ecological planning on September 25, that he wanted to produce one million heat pumps per year, by 2027. A sustainable heating system, allowing people to go outside fossil fuels and thus reduce the energy consumption of buildings.
A reduction in the energy bill estimated at 4.000 euros per year
Hellio advised the municipality of Maslives in its energy renovation projects by supporting it in all financing procedures for the construction site.
If the cost of the work amounted to 24.668 euros, the municipality was thus able to benefit from a CEE bonus of 4.277 euros as well as a contribution from the Green Fund which made it possible to finance 80% of the cost of the project. The work covered three buildings with a total area of 620 m2. The first building, welcoming the CP and CE1 classes, which had benefited from insulation work in 2022 (replacement of the frames), saw its oil boiler replaced by an air/air heat pump. Reversible, this system can also produce freshness and function as air conditioning in summer. This is also the case in the building housing the CE2, CM1 and CM2 classes, which has a large bay window allowing the heat to easily enter. In the third building, a heat pump with water radiator was installed instead of an electric radiator, in order to improve the daily lives of nursery school students.
The Hellio group, an expert in energy efficiency, will enable the school to save up to 4.000 euros on its energy bill.
For Christine Mongella, Mayor of Maslives: “The work undertaken this summer thanks to Hellio’s expertise allowed us to welcome our students and teachers in a more pleasant environment on a daily basis. Indeed, previously, the temperature in our classes could easily reach 32°C, and we sometimes found ourselves obliged to work under the playground. This project is further proof of our municipality's commitment to the ecological transition. »
For Augustin Bouet, Key Accounts Director at Hellio: “Hellio was able to provide personalized advice and technical expertise to help the municipality of Maslives meet the challenge of the energy transition. Thanks to the installation of heat pumps in its school, the municipality can considerably reduce its energy consumption and consequently its bills. »
For Pierre Maillard, president of Hellio: “The renovation of school buildings is one of the priorities for the next ten years. We are proud to have been supporting local authorities for over 15 years in controlling their energy consumption through the energy renovation of their public buildings. Our experts offer adapted and effective solutions to help municipalities sustainably regain investment capacity, while developing ecosystems for the future. »
- Amount of work: €24.668
- Financial aid of €4.277
- Green fund: 80% of the amount of work
- Estimated energy gain: 4.000 euros on the annual bill
- Number of heat pumps installed: 3
- M2 benefiting from the work: 620