Ten reasons led to anchoring this Housing Alliance in time.
- The housing emergency: the crisis has set in, in new and old buildings, in terms of accession and rental, both social and private. The alert was launched in 2022. Without immediate, concrete and responsible actions from public authorities, the crisis will be economic and above all social.
- The importance of the employment-housing link: there will be no full employment or successful reindustrialization if the mobility of employees is hampered by the inability to find housing. It is also an issue of social fractures and territorial cohesion.
- A necessary social contract: because housing cannot be a budgetary adjustment variable, the actors are mobilizing together to reinforce their mission of social utility, participating in the objectification of the needs of our fellow citizens which is the responsibility of the State and enable their residential pathways.
- Concrete and visibility: the French and professionals expect readable, pragmatic and lasting measures. Budget cuts and fits and starts are not the right way to pursue a real housing policy that meets the challenges.
- Permanent improvement of the living environment: the housing-real estate sector contributes to making or remaking both the city and rural areas. The actors it represents act every day for the harmonious development of all territories.
- The success of ecological planning: this major objective requires transformations of organization and models. It is a question of objectifying the transition phases as well as the brakes, particularly financial, in a context which has become very volatile, with inflation taking hold and financing conditions which are deteriorating.
- Support for households, particularly low-income ones, and for landlords: access to property for households with modest incomes and the energy renovation of the existing stock, for landlords and occupants alike, will not be achieved without suitable tools and financial means.
- Collective efforts for decarbonization: decarbonizing the act of building is part of a chain that does not depend only on the players in the sector. The latter will only be able to commit if the State and local authorities on the one hand, and manufacturers and distributors in the sector, on the other hand, also commit (sector contract).
- A need for consistency over time: current projects aim to preserve soil, strengthen biodiversity, facilitate reuse and better treat waste. If the actors are involved, they need coherence in terms of energy strategy and land strategy.
- Investments in training: ongoing changes have led the sector to evolve team training to integrate ecological and digital issues. Here again, the sector needs a strategic vision and concrete support for both initial and continuing training.
For all these reasons, all the partners, having already mobilized within the framework of numerous consultations and missions, will be more than ever a collective force of proposals in the service of a true national housing policy. Beyond the emergency budgetary and fiscal measures, the announced overhaul can only be thought of and carried out, without hindrance, with the actors who construct it on a daily basis.