The company will deploy its technology in the New Artois Metropolitan Hospital in Lens and the Lariboisière – Fernand-Widal AP-HP Hospital in Paris.
The New Metropolitan Hospital of Artois will be equipped with a pneumatic waste collection system for the transport and treatment of infectious waste (DASRI), DAOM as well as linen fractions, and that of the New Lariboisière AP-HP of a transport system for residual waste and linen fractions.
With these new contracts, and once the new pneumatic waste collection systems are operational, Envac will have equipped six hospitals in France with their technology: the new Artois Metropolitan Hospital in Lens, the Lariboisière – Fernand-Widal Hospital AP-HP, Nantes University Hospital, Pontchaillou University Hospital in Rennes, Hautepierre Hospital – University Hospitals of Strasbourg and Montpellier University Hospital.
The first four are at different stages of construction while the last two began operating in 2008 and 2012 respectively.
Construction of the New Artois Metropolitan Hospital (Lens)
The project for the New Artois Metropolitan Hospital amounts to 6,9 million euros.
The intervention will be carried out on a 611-bed health complex and will consist of equipping the establishment with a pneumatic waste collection system which will be responsible for collecting and managing three fractions of waste: linen, household waste and waste. infectious (DASRI).
The systems under construction in this hospital, like that in Rennes, allow the transport and separate treatment of type III sharp infectious waste with on-site sterilization (scalpel needles, stiletto heels and any metal material that could be a vector of transmission diseases).
The engineering project, installation and its management are carried out by the technical team of Envac Iberia in Madrid, where the headquarters of Envac Iberia and its division for Southern Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
“The solution for disposing of dirty laundry and waste is a complementary component of the overall approach implemented for the New Artois Metropolitan Hospital. It rubs shoulders with robotic and automated logistics, digital building management, the commonality of internal DASRI, vertical storage, etc. The objective is to improve patient care, reception conditions and working conditions by relieving caregivers as much as possible of additional tasks.” specifies Bruno DONIUS, General Director of the Lens Hospital Center.
Le Nouveau Lariboisière AP-HP hospital (Paris)
The Nouveau Lariboisière AP-HP project in Paris covers an implementation budget of 2,8 million euros. The 489-bed facility will accommodate a transport system for residual waste and linen fractions.
The pneumatic waste transport system in hospitals improves logistics inside hospitals by eliminating the use of elevators and goods lifts, and saves floor space previously used for intermediate storage of waste. bins.
It also has a positive impact on facility hygiene by minimizing physical contact between people and soiled linen and hospital waste. Waste is transported through a closed pipe network instead of being transported in carts through hallways and elevators. This creates a safer environment for the movement of patients, staff and visitors.
For Mathieu RABIER, Logistics Engineer at Lariboisière – Fernand-Widal AP-HP Hospital: “The Nouveau Lariboisière AP-HP hospital will be equipped with a network of vertical pipes allowing the evacuation of dirty linen and DAOM type waste. The collection points located within the care units themselves will allow nursing staff to save time, reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and ease logistical flows in the hospital, while securing these two circuits. »
The Envac collection system in hospitals
Envac installed the first pneumatic system in 1961 at Sollefteå Hospital in Sweden, which is still in use today. Its technology is now installed in more than 133 hospitals around the world, including 6 in France.
The Envac system provides patients and caregivers with smart, hygienic and safe waste collection logistics solutions. An environment including contactless technology, separate laundry and waste systems, and a sealed disposal system.
Collecting waste and laundry with the Envac system minimizes physical contact between people and dirty materials. Waste and linens are transported through an enclosed pipe network rather than on carts in hallways and elevators, creating a safer environment for transporting patients, staff and visitors. The closed system and touchless waste entrances also minimize the spread of infections, droplet transmission and accidents.
The Envac installation for hospitals is slightly different from the common system dedicated to urban areas. To meet the challenge of clean and safe disposal of laundry and waste, the two are transported through separate pipe networks while remaining in the same system. Laundry and waste have their own respective entrances which can be equipped with touchless technology to minimize contact and cross-contamination.
Reducing manual handling of laundry and waste is not only beneficial from a health perspective, it is also cost effective. The automatic transport of pneumatic waste collection reduces the need for a large workforce of caregivers and hospital workers to transport and sort laundry and waste. Reducing the transportation of waste with carts through corridors and gutters also reduces wear and tear on the hospital building, which means less maintenance costs.
For César MORÁIS, sales director of Envac Iberia: “Reverse management based on pneumatic technology has generated savings of nearly 20% in waste management in hospitals equipped with it. Once the operator has introduced the waste into the system, there is no more manual or visual contact with the waste. This improves the hygiene and safety of healthcare workers. In addition, as it is a hermetic system, it avoids leachate, liquids from waste which can contain toxic substances and cause nuisance. »