Nevertheless, Covid-19 remains a danger to be monitored, which still has problematic consequences for companies, partly due to the absenteeism it causes. It is therefore necessary to continue to be attentive. The OPPBTP recalls in a synthetic and practical article all the reflexes and effective gestures to protect oneself from the virus and limit contamination in construction companies and on construction sites.
Wash your hands frequently
Proximity and accessibility to water are essential to allow companions to wash their hands as often as possible. Hand washing with hydroalcoholic gel is a complementary solution when it is not possible to wash your hands with soap and water.
Wear a mask in certain situations
Wearing a mask to protect yourself and others is recommended in vehicles, when traveling with several companions if it is not possible to ventilate it, in public transport, and in closed or confined spaces and meeting rooms which cannot cannot be regularly ventilated. The mask also remains recommended for sick or fragile people, symptomatic people, contact cases and for interventions in sick individuals.
Periodically ventilate rooms, canteens and vehicles
Ventilating closed spaces (offices, living quarters, vehicles, machinery) for at least 10 minutes every hour is effective against the spread of viruses. Regular ventilation is to be preferred regardless of the mode of ventilation or air conditioning of the premises.
Clean surfaces regularly
The regular cleaning of premises, tables, handles, work site equipment (toilets, sinks and showers) and vehicles and machinery with water and the usual cleaning products is to be encouraged.
Raising employee awareness
Providing information to all employees during shift briefings or during safety quarter-hours allows them to remain vigilant and remind them of the right reflexes to protect themselves. Many media are available and can be used on
Organize and dialogue
Organizational measures can be decided by the head of the company concerning the organization of traffic flows, working times, etc. When there is a CSE or a health, safety and working conditions commission (CSSCT), information or consultation on the health measures envisaged or taken within the company can be put on the agenda.
Organize the cooperation of the actors of the construction site
For each site, coordination issues on preventive measures related to the circulation of the Covid-19 virus must be addressed. The project owner, the SPS coordinator, the project manager and the companies will thus be able to discuss the organizational means, such as accessibility and the necessary water points, the management of co-activity, the configuration of the site installations. …
For Paul Duphil, secretary general of the OPPBTP: “All the actions taken during the pandemic have made it possible to work safely on construction sites. We have everything to gain by keeping them. It should also be remembered that everyone's vigilance in respecting barrier gestures, wearing a mask as soon as the first symptoms appear and checking their status with regard to the virus by a test are essential to protect others. »
In his Covid-19 toolkit, the OPPBTP offers many resources as well as a database of specific Questions / Answers on Covid-19 for professionals. A new page " Focus on COVID-19 is also available on the PréventionBTP website. In addition, prevention advisers and trainers from the OPPBTP are always available in the field as well as remotely thanks to the PreventionBTP Live.