The company announced in a press release received on Wednesday "a reorganization project aimed at concentrating its activities on the professional market", which would involve the cessation of activity in the individual market and the elimination of 149 positions.
The individual market is experiencing “major challenges”, explains the company, which today has 275 employees.
France Solar points in particular to “inflation and the rise in interest rates” since 2022, which “have reduced the ability of households to invest in photovoltaic installations”, while “new low-cost entrants” have “stepped up” competition.
The law of July 24, 2020, strictly regulating cold calling, also increased “customer acquisition costs, making this market less and less viable for our organization,” explains the company.
The company says it has made “efforts” but which have not borne fruit: “Sales to individuals continued to decline, leading to significant losses.”
Conversely, the professional market offers “significant growth potential, particularly in the agricultural sector”, or even for photovoltaic car park shades.
“We are fully aware that this project would affect the lives of our employees,” says France Solar, who undertakes to “listen to each person affected by the job cuts” and to research, “with the authorities administrative, support solutions", including primarily proposals for internal reclassification.
France Solar was created in 2009 in Brumath. Since then, it has opened agencies in Burgundy-Franche-Comté, Bordeaux, Rennes and even a subsidiary in Switzerland.