By realizing the objectives of its CSR roadmap, the year 2024 marks a decisive turning point for AMCC. It is based on the fundamental values of the AT Partner Group to which it belongs: agility, team spirit and customer satisfaction. Thanks to this foundation shared by all employees and punctuating all its actions, AMCC thus aspires to be a model of responsible business, both for its teams and for its customers and partners.
Three key pillars…
As a French industrial manufacturer of windows and doors, AMCC is committed to contributing to the overall improvement of home comfort while preserving the planet's resources. Already committed to a corporate social responsibility approach for many years, the company has carried out in-depth work to lay the foundations of its CSR policy and structure its actions. This is based on 3 pillars.
The first aims to provide a positive working environment by ensuring the health, safety and well-being of its employees but also by guaranteeing inclusive recruitment with professional equality for all, by promoting training as well as internal development prospects including for work-study students, who are full-fledged employees of the company. This involves:
- days of well-being at work,
- integration days for work-study students with group activities,
- unifying events promoting cohesion and team spirit (participation in a race on the Millau viaduct, activities during sales seminars, etc.),
- the provision of ergonomic equipment to provide optimal working conditions (motorized desks, chairs, etc.).
The second axis is to contribute to the preservation of the planet through an ambitious plan to reduce its carbon footprint throughout the value chain, the recovery of waste and the deployment of energy optimization solutions. The transport and delivery of AMCC products by a logistics fleet with vehicles running on biofuel already generates much less CO emissions.2.
Finally, the third pillar is based on responsible and ethical conduct by ensuring an excellent customer experience in terms of both product and service quality, in particular with a warranty on joinery that is higher than the legal warranty for exclusive products. A guarantee of longevity, this approach aims to limit overconsumption. To this end, AMCC is committed to implementing a responsible purchasing policy and developing a transparent relationship with its customers.
…and quantifiable short and medium term objectives
For each of the priority areas defined by AMCC, the manufacturer has set quantifiable objectives for 2024-2027, engaging its responsibility.
From a human point of view, a satisfaction survey and a human rights charter will be distributed before the end of the year to all employees. At the same time, an internal communications committee will be set up and a skills development plan put in place. By 2025, AMCC intends to raise awareness among 100% of managers about the issues of non-discrimination and diversity.
On an environmental level, after completing its carbon footprint in 2024 and maintaining 100% FSC and PEFC wood in its finished products, AMCC is continuing its approach, already underway for around ten years, with the aim of reducing its industrial waste by 20% in 2025 (vs 2023) and achieving energy self-sufficiency at the Châteauroux production site. A challenge that the manufacturer should have no trouble meeting thanks to:
- the installation of 1500 photovoltaic panels on the factory buildings last summer, as well as a gas cogenerator that produces electricity and heat simultaneously. Its yields (40% electricity, 45% thermal) already allow the manufacturer to actively participate in reducing CO emissions.2 in the air,
- heat recovery and hot water production by recycling air from compressors,
- the recycling of paints and the recovery of waste related to its activity by favoring, among other things, the use of recycled materials. For example, PVC offcuts are sorted by color and then crushed into pellets. The white is then reintegrated into the profile extrusion process while the colors are transformed into ancillary products (gutters, etc.). The support and protection supports from manufacturing to installation are also made from recycled materials,
- the carrying out of works dedicated to the protection of waterways as well as the preservation of fauna and flora.
In order to meet its 2027 objective of recovering and recycling 100% of its end-of-life joinery, AMCC has rolled out a new service for its premium customers, "Le Recyclage des Menuiseries Déposées by AMCC". In collaboration with a certified recycler Valobat, all PVC, aluminum, wood and glass waste, previously sorted, is recovered from construction sites in order to be recovered and transformed. This approach, currently being tested by the partners of the AMCC Club, is very much appreciated, as Nicolas Pailleux of Qualiverre, a member since 2012, testifies: " Committed for many years to an anti-waste and waste reprocessing approach, the AMCC joinery recycling service largely meets our expectations and is therefore fully in line with our vision as a joinery installer. ».
Finally, as part of the last part of its CSR policy "responsible and ethical conduct", AMCC transmitted in 2024 a "quality of installation" charter to all of its installers and aims, by 2026, to have 100% of its raw material suppliers signatories to its ethical charter.
Driven by a responsible vision, where the preservation of the planet, the development of its employees and the satisfaction of its customers occupy a central place, AMCC's CSR policy is also illustrated at each stage of the manufacture of its joinery (PEFC eco-certified wood, 95% recyclable aluminum, lead-free PVC, use of recycled PVC at the heart of its joinery, etc.). So many reasons that should allow the manufacturer to obtain the NF Environment certification issued by AFNOR within two years, which would be a real recognition of AMCC's commitment to manufacturing more environmentally friendly products.