The Marseille administrative court on Monday 20 January annulled a framework agreement concerning the Marseille school renovation programme, called the "schools plan", on the grounds that the public development company cannot have both the upkeep and maintenance of schools as its missions.
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To read also
Stade de France concession: Vinci-Bouygues consortium's appeal rejected
Unfit housing: six months in prison requested against the owners of a 13 m2 premises
In Guadeloupe, an EDF subsidiary will have to pay 750.000 euros to rehabilitate the dry forest
In Marseille, a slum landlord sentenced to one year in prison
In Nice, prison for the managers of a company selling explosives for the construction industry
Two former executives of a major overseas social landlord given suspended sentences, notably for favouritism
Tax fraud: record seizure of 461 million euros targeting a wealthy Briton confirmed on appeal in Paris
Maison Gainsbourg: the associated promoter sentenced again on appeal
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