This ambition, supported by the green mayor Pierre Hurmic, aims to achieve 41% energy autonomy by 2026. Among the latest buildings equipped, the town hall of the Caudéran district, whose complete renovation of the slate roof allowed the implementation of EDILIANS MAX SOLAR SLATES.
A former residential suburb of Bordeaux, Caudéran is located to the west of the commune, on the extra-muros side of the boulevards. Attached to the Gironde capital in 1965, it constitutes the largest and most populated of the Bordeaux districts with a very marked architectural identity.
Emblematic of the town centre since the 19th centurynd Century, the building of the town hall of the Caudéran district regularly suffered significant water infiltrations, thus damaging the ceilings of the premises and the archives stored in the attic. Faced with the emergency, Bordeaux Métropole then carried out a complete diagnosis of the roof to check whether all or part of the roof covering needed to be renovated. The finding was clear, the entire roof was affected, including the zinc work and valleys.
As the City of Bordeaux is already very involved in the development of solar energy in its territory, the Bordeaux Métropole Project Management department decided to carry out a feasibility study in parallel to take advantage of the complete renovation to install photovoltaic panels. This verification was all the more necessary since the Caudéran town hall is located near the parish church of Saint-Amand, a historic monument. Once this option was validated, all that remained was to find the product that would adapt and integrate perfectly with the slate ensemble.
Recommended by EDILIANS, the Médoc roofing and framing company SECB was selected for this project thanks to its recognized expertise in the renovation of old heritage and civil engineering structures. A loyal prescriber of EDILIANS' integrated solar solutions, the implementation of which it perfectly masters, it proposed the MAX SOLAR SLATES, which met the specifications in every respect.
332 MAX SOLAR SLATES were installed on more than 70% of the roof, with a surface area of 637 m2, on 7 sides benefiting from the best orientation. With a unit power of 75Wc, or a total power of 24.900 Wc, this allows the building to cover its electricity needs before gradually sharing it with the adjoining school, in collective self-consumption.
The installation and treatment of the façade ornaments and all the zinc work were carried out on site by SECB, on an occupied site. Even though the company was integrating MAX SOLAR SLATES on slate for the first time, This was quite simple for the Companions, especially since they had previously followed the EDILIANS training. " explains Emmanuel Keller, CEO of SECB, who also benefited from the support and technical assistance of EDILIANS throughout the project. He added: " This marriage of a 21st century innovationnd Century with the tradition of the XIXnd on a slate roof is quite successful ».
A satisfactory result confirmed by Anne-Marie Pimpin, Head of the Project Management Department of the Bordeaux Métropole real estate department: “ In terms of flatness and covering in the continuity of the slates, it is a very beautiful integration, very aesthetic. ».
There is no doubt that this new reference, delivered in May 2024, should appeal to the many local stakeholders who will be attending the Salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales from 19 to 21 November at Paris Porte de Versailles. EDILIANS will be presenting its high-performance and aesthetic solutions born from the synergies between terracotta tiles and all the components of the roof (solar, insulation, ventilation, waterproofing, etc.) on its stand (Hall 4 – Stand C87).
It is also an opportunity for the player in global energy renovation to host a conference on the theme of “Energy renovation of roofs and solar photovoltaic: a bright collective” on November 19 at 12:30 p.m. (Pavilion 3 – Atmosphère Aménagement / Rénovation & Habitat).