Emmanuel de Laage, 61 years old (married and father of 5 children), is a graduate of Audencia (formerly Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Nantes) and holds an MBA (Master of Business Administration at the Ohio State University Fisher College of Business). Emmanuel de Laage began his professional career as a management controller at Altus Group (1987/1993). From 1998 to 2003, he held the positions of Financial Director, Environmental Activity Director, then General Manager of the Marrel subsidiary network. He then joined the Lifting Division of FAYAT as General Manager of the ADC and COMETE companies, while also carrying out the duties of Supervisor of the BVS/BCES companies (Turkey). Appointed Director of the FAYAT Métal Equipment and Services Division (2013/2014), he took over the General Management of FAYAT Métal (metal construction and mechanical division of the FAYAT Group) in 2014. Since 2017, Emmanuel de Laage has been Vice-President of FAYAT Métal and, since 2004, Vice-President of SCMF.
Having just been elected to the presidency of the SCMF for a two-year term, Emmanuel de Laage would first like to thank Roger Briand for his 14 years as president, who has managed to lead and animate the SCMF. He will be surrounded by a national office composed of François BRAIDA, Vice-President, Stéphane VAYR, Vice-President, Bruno BIANCO, Vice-President and Philippe CARRAT, Treasurer. Emmanuel de Laage declares "that his arrival, combined with that of Hervé Gastaud as the new General Delegate, will allow the SCMF to benefit from a new impetus to further increase its presence and increase the number of its members". Wanting to develop a stronger listening in the territories, in particular to support companies in the challenges that await them (such as reuse and decarbonization), Emmanuel de Laage specifies that he "wants the SCMF to have its place in the dynamic established over the past year by the Maison de la Construction Métallique". E. de Laage concluded that he will also continue to work closely with the CTICM and further intensify the work carried out on the attractiveness of the profession, in order to create the many vocations that will accompany the future growth of the sector.
Let us recall that the SCMF, the only national employers' organization representing metal construction, brings together 800 French metal construction companies (mainly SMEs and ETIs with family structures). The economic weight of the union resulted in a turnover of 2023 billion euros in 4,3 (i.e. 767.143 tonnes machined), 10% of which was generated through exports. It should also be noted that French metal manufacturers are involved in new construction and renovation of various types of structures: industrial and agricultural buildings, bridges and footbridges, pylons, car parks, stations, canopies, but also cultural buildings, sports buildings, offices, arenas, schools, etc. In terms of jobs, while the French sector has 13.464 employees, the SCMF is campaigning on its recruitment needs, which amount to more than 20.000 jobs over the next 4 years. Finally, let us mention that Christine Lenouy, general delegate of the SCMF, having exercised her retirement rights, it is now Hervé Gastaud who has taken over her missions.