The French are not really good at heating themselves
To the question “Do you think you know the different existing heating systems well?” », more than 71% of French people admit to not understanding much about it.
25% believe they have average knowledge and only 4% think they are very knowledgeable on the issue.
51% of French people are considering changing their heating
Despite the lack of knowledge, the vast majority of French people want to change their heating system. In fact, this is what more than 51% of those questioned say who do not seem satisfied with their current system.
An expert ? To do what !
To choose their heating system, more than 73% of French people prefer to do it alone! A paradox since 71% clearly lack knowledge on the subject.
Only 11% of French people prefer to contact experts in order to benefit from their experience. Finally, 16% question professionals only to refute or confirm their choices.
* Methodology: survey carried out in March 2024 among 6.124 people spread across the entire French territory aged 18 and over. Surveys carried out online, on the BuzzPress France proprietary panel (27.200 people). The responses were then compiled and weighted according to pre-established quotas aimed at ensuring the representativeness of the sample and in order to obtain representativeness of the targeted population. All weightings are based on administrative data and data collected by INSEE.
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