Objective? To measure, in addition to the carbon footprint, the positive climate impact of some of their activities in a rigorous manner thanks to Climate Dividends. Indeed, if the carbon footprint is essential to understand the induced emissions, it does not show that certain carbon "expenditures", such as energy renovation or reuse, make it possible to avoid several tons of CO2e. Result? More than 50.000 tons of CO2e avoided or sequestered thanks to their 2023 activity.
Not all tons of CO2 are “equal”
In a climate emergency context, measuring the carbon footprint is essential to identify the induced emissions linked to companies' activities. But one thing is clear: not all emissions are equal. A tonne of CO2 emitted to build a conventional building does not have the same impact as that "invested" in an activity such as energy renovation or the reuse of materials, which can avoid several tonnes of emissions in the long term.
To fully understand this leverage effect, companies need a tool to precisely quantify the “positive” impact of their activities (in addition to the “negative” impact).
Climate Dividends, a reliable tool for assessing the positive contribution of certain activities
This is precisely the role played by Climate Dividends. This extra-financial indicator makes it possible to rigorously measure greenhouse gas emissions avoided or sequestered thanks to companies' activities.
Each year, a company can calculate the CO2e emissions avoided or sequestered by its activity, by following the standardized and transparent Climate Dividends Calculation Protocol. Then, an independent third party intervenes to audit the methodology and calculations, to “convert” each ton of CO2 avoided or sequestered into a Climate Dividend.
Climate Dividends are extra-financial information. They are not tradable/monetizable and do not serve in any way to “offset” the carbon footprint of companies.
For Laura Beaulier, CEO of the Climate Dividends Association: “The carbon footprint remains essential to understand the negative impact of an activity. But Climate Dividends complete this analysis by measuring the emissions avoided or sequestered, which allows companies to prove that certain activities are really useful for the transition.”
7 Pioneering Companies Embrace Climate Dividends and Call on the Rest of the Construction Industry
Accenta, Acorus, Altyn, Cycle Up, Léon Grosse, Rabot Dutilleul and Vestack are among the first construction companies to adopt Climate Dividends. This choice reflects their desire to transform the practices of a sector that, due to its weight in global greenhouse gas emissions, is often singled out. In 2023, they have collectively avoided/sequestered more than 50.000 tonnes of CO2e, thanks to activities such as energy renovation, the use of low-carbon materials or reuse.
To Philippe Benquet, President of Acorus : "In 2023, thanks to our energy renovation work, we avoided 4.510 tonnes of CO2. The Climate Dividends allow us to promote this impact to our stakeholders and guide our strategic choices to maximize our climate contribution."
These companies hope to inspire others in the sector to join them. Because while reducing one's own emissions remains essential, measuring and valuing positive contributions is also crucial to accelerating the transition.