More than 400 energy efficiency and renovation facilitators from five partner institutions met on November 9 and 10 in Paris.
The CARTE community – Community of Tertiary Energy Network Facilitators, has been established since September 2022. A steering committee and various working groups meet regularly. For the first time, a national meeting is organized, mobilizing nearly half of the renovation facilitators and leaders of these 4 networks.
A unique encounter
This two-day event aims to strengthen links between networks, both national and local. Around 40 expertise-building workshops and 5 round tables, the meeting must intensify synergies between networks and the sharing of experiences to meet the challenges of the transition and move forward faster together.
The additional challenge is to promote the profession of renovation facilitator and the actions he carries out on a daily basis to control energy. Although essential for the transition, the profession is in tension: communities and establishments are encountering recruitment difficulties.
MAP: a thousand energy specialists
To control consumption and support the renovation of 400 million m² of tertiary buildings in communities, health and universities, 1055 facilitators are mobilizing within the four networks and five partners of the CARTE community:
- 410 flow savers Action by Territorial Communities for Energy Efficiency (ACTEE)
- 400 Shared Energy Advisors from the Ecological Transition Agency (ADEME)
- 165 Energy and Ecological Transition in Health Advisors (CTEES) for the National Agency for Health and Medico-Social Performance (Anap)
- 80 flow managers of the Agency for the Mutualization of Universities and Establishments (Amue) in conjunction with the Ministry of Higher Education and Research
The organizational methods of these networks are convergent: they are today trained, equipped and run by their respective networks. Their proximity led to the creation of CARTE.
Five institutions that work in a network
The CARTE community was created to strengthen exchanges between the four networks and pool resources. A dynamic has been established, and with it numerous tools, exchanges of good practices, guides and spaces for dialogue.
- A common exchange platform for the exchange of practices and resources
- The facilitators report hierarchically to the employing communities and establishments, and benefit from the continuous support of their network.
- The CARTE community aims to set up a common platform, powered and shared between the five members.
- A shared training catalog to improve skills
- A common training path would make it easier for people who have left school or are undergoing retraining to take up a job.
- The test phase of this pooling has been carried out, and a catalog is being considered.
- Territorial synergies
- Regional meetings are planned based on the model of the annual CARTE meeting.
- It is planned to expand the CARTE community to new partners.
From diagnosis to work, the global approach of the “facilitator”
In France, buildings represent 43% of final energy consumption and 23% of greenhouse gas emissions.
The Eco Energy Tertiary (EET) decree requires reducing the final energy consumption of tertiary buildings with a surface area greater than 40 m2030 by 50% by 2040, 60% by 2050, and 1000% by 2.
The facilitator intervenes upstream, during, and downstream of the energy renovation of the tertiary public sector, on a “project” grid defined by the employing structures. Its mission: to support decision-making in favor of energy renovation and optimize energy management on a daily basis.
- Inventory: Energy assessment, inventory of assets, optimization of contracts
- Consulting: Planning, procurement, public awareness
- Financing: Search for available financial aid
- Works: support for framing, consultations and selection of service providers
- Post-work: Optimization of performance, highlighting savings and good practices