First assessment for the ACTEE energy renovation program for local authorities
Study / Review / Report
About Bat infosource: FNCCR
More than 130 million euros of work was initiated by 74 local authorities during the first phase of the "Action by Local Authorities for Energy Efficiency" (ACTEE) program at the end of 2021. The system, supported by the FNCCR, will enter this year in its third period.
ACTEE "1": 12 million euros trigger 130 million euros of work
During the first period of the program (2019-2021), 8,3 million euros provided by ACTEE to the winners triggered the renovation of 1 buildings, for a total of 617 million euros of work. A total of 130 buildings were audited or studied and 5 positions were financed in local authorities. Each euro paid by ACTEE generated an average of €405 in investment from local authorities.
74 communities were supported during this first phase in their energy transition efforts, within 22 winning groups. 67% of the beneficiaries are rural communes. Studies have been undertaken for 5 public buildings, and works have been launched in 405% of cases. Schools were the main beneficiaries of the program, with 30% of buildings assisted, followed by town halls and multipurpose halls.
61% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
The work initiated thanks to ACTEE focused mainly on the thermal envelope of buildings and the replacement of heating systems. 36% of these are global renovations, and 64% renovations in stages. The FNCCR estimates that the average gain in energy consumption of the buildings treated is 50%, implying an energy saving of approximately 100 GWh per year, ie the equivalent of the consumption of the city of Angers. The climate is the other big winner of this operation, with GHG emissions reduced by 61% on average.
A triple leverage effect to encourage communities to take action
The ACTEE program does not directly finance the work, but aims to encourage local authorities to take action. The challenge is to lead municipalities to the energy renovation of their assets and to replace fossil fuels with more efficient and less carbon-intensive energy systems. The funds mobilized by ACTEE were allocated to 3 main missions:
Fund flow saving positions. Within local authorities, they advise and plan long-term actions, from the definition of a renovation strategy to the monitoring of work, including the preparation of subsidy applications. 3,8 million euros made it possible to finance (at 50%) 56 positions for these experts dedicated to energy issues as close as possible to the territories; FNCCR – 20 bd de Latour-Maubourg – 75007 PARIS –
Fund audits and tools, according to a logic of pooling : joint purchases of software, grouped contracts for audits, works, joint valuation of CEE, installation of shared sensors, grouping of requests for aid, etc. 1 tools, sensors and instruments were acquired for a total of 296 million euros. 1,8 energy audits and 3 feasibility studies were financed to the tune of 439 million euros;
Provide a set of tools at the service of communities : simulator, software, maps, guides, training, standard contractual documents and innovative tools. 2,2 million euros were devoted to setting up and running the program over two years.
ACTEE "2": 100 million euros from 2020
The good results of the first ACTEE program led to the start of a second component, ACTEE2020, from 2, with a budget of 100 million euros for the energy renovation of community buildings. An additional 10 million euros have been allocated to extend support to public lighting, bringing the total budget for the system to 110 million euros in 2022. ACTEE2 will end at the end of 2023 and the consolidated results will be known at the start of 2024. 85% of the budget was committed mid-programme, which promises similar success to the first period.
ACTEE "+", a 3rd component with a budget of 220 million
As part of the sobriety plan presented in October 2022, the budget for ACTEE's third period, named ACTEE+, which will run for four years from January 2023 to December 2026, has been increased to 220 million euros, making this the largest program ever launched by the ministry. This new component, through calls for projects and counter assistance, as well as sub-programs is aimed at more specific sectors: sobriety in schools, electricity demand response, public lighting, swimming pools, ice rinks as well as listed buildings and registered sites. ACTEE+ aims to initiate renovation actions in 30 municipalities, i.e. 000% of municipalities in France.