For this new edition, a variation has been produced in partnership with the CAPEB, the FFB, the FNTP and the SCOP BTP Federation.
A version produced for the four professional organizations of employers in the building and public works sector
For the first time, a variation of these barometers was carried out for the four professional organizations of employers (CAPEB, FFB, FNTP, Fédération SCOP BTP), within the framework of the partnerships set up with the CCCA-BTP, to register the learning at the heart of the sector's major challenges.
This edition of the BVA and BVE declined for each professional organization of employers aims to allow the development of an ambitious policy of quality professional training, in order to stimulate and constantly ensure innovation in training for trades in construction and public works. excellence in construction training.
With the taking into account of the results of the BVA and BVE, it is a question of permanently adapting the training to the trades of the BTP, to guarantee a high educational quality of the apprenticeship on all the territories.
It is also a question of meeting the skills and professional qualification needs of construction companies, which are on the front line to meet the challenges related to environmental performance, energy, ecological, technological and digital transitions, and to take into account the aspirations new generations, whose expectations have changed a great deal in terms of training methods and professional and personal life plans.
A common analysis to compare the responses of apprentices and construction companies
Also for the first time, a common analysis of the BVA and BVE is proposed by major themes, to offer a unique and cross-referenced look at the way in which apprentices and construction companies approach apprenticeship.
These two major surveys were conducted online in 2022 through a very broad field of questions, to collect the opinion and perception of apprentices trained in construction trades and training companies. They are reliable indicators for measuring their satisfaction and offer a wealth of valuable information on their needs and expectations. Their results also provide essential tools for managing the Qualiopi quality approach, an important new dimension for training organisations.
The Apprentice Life Barometer (BVA)
The sixth edition of the BVA survey, carried out online in 2022, was possible thanks to the involvement of 113 CFAs, bringing together half of construction apprentices. Nearly 18.500 responses were thus collected, representing 21% of apprentices preparing for training in a construction trade.
The BVA aims to better understand the feelings and expectations of apprentices, in order to adapt, as closely as possible to the skills needs of companies and societal changes, the training methods and living conditions of apprentices.
Her goals :
- Collect the expression of all apprentices in the construction industry and offer them the opportunity to give their impressions and opinions on their apprenticeship, in order to continue the dynamic of improving the quality and excellence of training and educational support set up in training establishments for construction trades.
- Draw a dynamic portrait of apprentices in the construction industry: social and professional origins, motivations, professions, conditions and training paths, future and professional project.
- Have reliable and objective statistical indicators to enable each training organization that participated in the survey to know its strengths and develop its system for welcoming, monitoring, training and integrating apprentices.
The Business Life Barometer (BVE)
The BVE survey, of which this is the fifth edition, was carried out online in 2022 with the support of 139 CFA, bringing together 62% of construction apprentices. Nearly 8.000 responses were collected by the CCCA-BTP, 80% of which were sent by the manager himself. With 38.000 recipient companies, the response rate is 21% within the scope of partner CFAs and 15% for all training companies.
The BVE makes it possible, based on a detailed analysis of the practices, wishes and needs of companies in terms of apprenticeship training, to constantly improve the quality of apprenticeship in the building and public works sectors, as well as as the offer of training and services from training establishments in construction trades to companies that train apprentices.
Her goals :
- Give a voice to all companies that train young people through apprenticeship, to better identify their needs and their feelings about the apprenticeship training course, from their recruitment to their professional integration.
- Provide regular indicators on the living and training conditions of apprentices in companies as well as on the relationship between the CFA and the company.
The main lessons of the BVA and BVE
- 88,6% of young people say that the apprenticeship met their expectations. The choice of apprenticeship in construction trades is voluntary, motivated by the desire to integrate into professional life
- 54,6% of apprentices opted for their training specialty out of personal taste. Among them, apprentices want to do something with their hands (63,2%) and move (58,5%).
- 83,5% of apprentices say they are generally satisfied with their CFA. With a satisfaction rate of 83,1%, young people's feedback on their CFA training remains overwhelmingly positive.
- 90,4% of young people say they are generally satisfied with work in a company.
- 34,4% of young people rely above all on themselves to find their host company. Companies confirm the driving role of apprentices in establishing contact: 44,9% say that it was the young person himself who contacted them.
- 51,8% of apprentices consider the practices of their CFA to be innovative, a proportion which rises to 65,5% concerning their training company.
- 51,8% of apprentices are personally sensitive to environmental protection.
- For 51,5% of companies, training young people is part of their mission. 50,4% of apprenticeship supervisors also want to pass on what they know and thus ensure the renewal of the profession: this is even the case for 54,9% of companies with 1 to 5 employees.
- 48,4% of managers plan to keep the apprentice as an employee at the end of their training.
- 84,1% of managers believe that the behavioral qualities of their employees are as important as their technical qualities. While companies express expectations on almost all behavioral skills, those considered to be the most important relate to relationships with others and with the company: respect (95,8%), motivation and commitment (95,1 %) and team spirit (89,6%).
- For 74,2% of companies, it is up to the generation of apprentices to drive innovation in the construction sector.
- Almost all companies encourage their employees to limit the production of waste and waste. 63% of their managers consider the role played by the construction industry today in the preservation of the environment to be “very important”. They are 74,4% to say that the role of the sector will be “very important” in a horizon of 5 to 10 years. 81,5% of public works companies believe that construction will play a “very important” role in protecting the environment within 5 to 10 years.
- One out of two companies pays particular attention to monitoring the apprenticeship process for better integration of the apprentice.
For the first time in 2022, the BVA includes questions on the vision that apprentices have of their health.
- 47,7% of apprentices in the construction industry consider their state of health to be good or very good (30,8%). They are 16,8% to indicate an average state of health, 3,2% bad and 1,6% very bad.
Although the proportion of companies that say they are ready to recruit an apprentice with a disability remains a minority, at 38,5%, we can adopt a positive reading of this figure, which demonstrates that disability is not a taboo for a significant proportion of leaders.
For Christophe Possémé, President of CCCA-BTP: “Our companies have to meet many challenges related to the major changes in the construction sector. To achieve this, taking up the challenge of professional skills and therefore of training is just as essential. The BVA and BVE are in this respect a real management and decision-making tool, to anticipate and adapt the teaching and educational methods and practices and the services offered by the training organisations. Its results certainly enlighten us on the strengths of construction training and those that should be optimized. It's up to us to seize it. But they are also above all an opportunity to affirm it: yes, apprenticeship is a way of training for excellence and success, of which we can be proud. »
Focus on the opinions of apprentices and craft building companies
- 88,4% of young people trained in building trades say that the apprenticeship met their expectations.
- 84,4% of young people trained in building trades believe that the working techniques of their host company are modern.
- 73,1% of building craftsmen believe that it is up to the generation of apprentices to bring innovation to the sector.
- 73,1% of building craftsmen consider the role that construction will play in preserving the environment in the next 5 to 10 years to be “very important”.
For Jean-Christophe Repon, president of CAPEB: “These barometers show us that apprenticeship is in the DNA of craft building companies, half of which are apprenticeship employers. Our craft entrepreneurs have always trained generation after generation, as they themselves were trained by other craftsmen before creating their own business. They generously pass on what they have received. The BVE shows us the importance they attach to the monitoring of young people by their apprenticeship supervisor. With 30 million homes to be renovated over the next 30 years, craftsmen are on the front line to meet this considerable challenge. Apprenticeships have a decisive role to play in achieving this, as does the promotion and attractiveness of our professions to young people, and in particular young women. »
Focus on the opinion of apprentices and construction companies
- 88,6% of construction companies that take on an apprentice would be ready to train a new apprentice with the same CFA.
- 88,4% of young people trained in building trades say that the apprenticeship met their expectations.
- 74,1% of building apprenticeship masters believe that it is up to the generation of apprentices to drive innovation in the sector.
- 74% of construction companies deem the role that construction will play in preserving the environment “very important” in the next five to ten years.
For Olivier Saleron, president of the French Building Federation: “These barometers allow us to better grasp the realities of learning, through a photograph that serves both companies, professional organizations and training organizations to improve their practices. They also allow us to measure the progress already made, the progress we still have to make and remind us of the importance of working on the tripartite relationship between the young person, the company and the CFA. The work of supporting and helping the development of the CFAs, central to our federation, is as such one of the objectives of the partnership signed with the CCCA-BTP, aimed at training young people in our trades, while meeting new needs. in skills of our companies. »
Focus on the opinion of apprentices and public works companies
- 92,2% of young people trained in public works trades say that the apprenticeship met their expectations.
- 88% of public works companies that take on an apprentice would be ready to train a new apprentice with the same CFA.
- 87,9% of young people trained in public works trades believe that the working techniques of their host company are modern.
For Bruno Cavagné, president of the National Federation of Public Works: "Apprenticeship is a path of excellence for training future public works professionals and a major recruitment lever, in a context of pressure on the workforce, strong changes in trades and skills, which also impact training. . The FNTP responds to this by developing its training offer, in conjunction with training organizations and the Ministries of National Education and Labour. We are delighted with the work undertaken with the CCCA-BTP around the BVA and BVE, which will enable us to perfect the integration process for apprentices in the company. The rate of termination of apprenticeship contracts is low in public works, but we can still improve, by better understanding what apprentices and companies expect from each other. »
Focus on the opinion of apprentices and cooperative companies in the building and public works sector
For this edition of the BVA and BVE, the cooperative model of the building or public works company was not specifically identified in the profile of the respondents. The two surveys thus present, depending on whether it is the construction or public works sector, similar results on the opinions and perceptions of apprentices and companies to those presented concerning young people in training and construction companies and public works.
- 92,2% of young people trained in public works trades say that the apprenticeship met their expectations.
- 88% of public works companies that take on an apprentice would be ready to train a new apprentice with the same CFA.
- 74,1% of building apprenticeship masters believe that it is up to the generation of apprentices to drive innovation in the sector.
- 74% of construction companies deem the role that construction will play in preserving the environment “very important” in the next five to ten years.
For Charles-Henri Montaut, president of the SCOP BTP Federation: “The training of young people is inseparable from our professions and the cooperative model. This is a strength and a real asset of the SCOPs which, in fact, naturally call on apprenticeship which results in a higher rate of trained apprentices. Our federation is in motion on this issue and has set itself an ambitious target of 10% of apprentices in construction SCOPs. This is also one of the 5 priorities of our “Ambition 2025” action plan within the framework of the partnership concluded between the CCCA-BTP which should make it possible to converge towards this common objective. The BVA and BVE, which offer a cross-view on apprenticeship in the construction industry, must raise our awareness to offer the best to the apprentices of tomorrow. »