For the 4th consecutive year, construction students and apprentices, but also the teaching staff and educational teams of participating establishments are invited to mobilize around this mobile challenge. A real highlight in the training course of young people, the “100 minutes for life” campaign contributes each year to continuing to raise awareness of the prevention of occupational risks and to strengthening the anchoring of good safety practices.
Mobilize young people around the prevention of occupational risks
Training younger generations is an essential step to bring about lasting changes in the construction sector. Since its creation in 2009, the “100 minutes for life” operation has constituted the first strong step in raising apprentices’ awareness of health and safety issues at work. Like the mission of the OPPBTP, this national campaign aims to instill good safety reflexes in young people who join the construction industry while changing the way they view the notion of risk.
This year again, establishments offering construction training from various organizations are joining the challenge: Association Ouvrière des Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France (AOCDTF), Maison Familiale Rurale (MFR), CFA-BTP, CFA de la Chambre des métiers and CCI and professional construction high schools. A parallel challenge is also offered to 7 Afpa centers.
Extended to more and more establishments over the years, the “100 minutes for life” operation has already made it possible to raise awareness of risk prevention among more than 230.000 apprentices.
New features to strengthen the educational dynamic of the challenge
Thanks to a 100% digital system based on “mobile learning”, implemented since 2021, the challenge makes it possible to raise awareness among young people about prevention in an original and fun way. For 5 days from the date of their registration, participants are tasked with winning as many points as possible by correctly answering 50 questions related to risk prevention or corresponding to fictitious scenarios.
This year, to preserve a positive and educational dynamic of the game, the challenge will be paused between midnight and 6 a.m., and the questions will all be renewed and proposed randomly to encourage participants to think before answering. To score even more points and hope to win the challenge, players are also encouraged to take on up to 15 challenges per day.
Teacher ambassadors to encourage young people
The OPPBTP wishes to include the challenge in the training course of young people and encourage them through play to acquire solid skills in risk prevention. Also, for this new edition, the ambassadorial role of teachers and members of the educational team will be reinforced. Indeed, their mission will be to recruit as many players as possible to join their team (90 maximum per team), coach them and challenge them in order to create real emulation around the challenge and help them progress.
All of the questions will also remain accessible throughout the school year on the application to continue to address prevention issues during lessons.
Rewarded prevention mobilization
At the end of the challenge, the OPPBTP will reward in each region of France and in the overseas departments the ten participants who have completed the challenge in its entirety and have obtained the most points, with each time:
- An electric mountain bike (1st prize)
- A Go Pro camera (2nd prize)
- A mini video projector (3rd prize)
- A Bluetooth speaker (4th to 10th prize)
In addition, to motivate young people to take up the challenge 100% and thus improve their prevention skills, ten other participants who have answered all the questions will be drawn at random in each region and rewarded for their diligence with wireless headphones.
Three ambassadors will also be rewarded in each region with a Go Pro camera (1st prize), a connected watch (2nd prize) and a Bluetooth speaker (3rd prize). The establishment with the greatest proportion of participants in relation to its workforce will receive a table football.
Finally, a super final reserved for the best establishment in each region will be held on the occasion of the Educational Innovation Days, organized in Arras from March 26 to 28, 2024 by the CCCA-BTP, partner of the OPPBTP in this action of sensitization. This wonderful festive event represents an additional way to reward young people for their mobilization.
For Christophe Ernault, Initial training project manager within the OPPBTP: “The 100 minutes for life challenge becomes more successful each year. The great involvement of the OPPBTP's regional initial training advisors to set up a quality operation as well as the support of partner establishments make it an unmissable event each year in the training of future construction professionals. »
The “100mn Challenge for Life” application is available for free download on Apple and Android.
The 100 “2023 minutes for life” campaign in figures
- 5 weeks of challenge
- 156 partner establishments
- 16.595 participants (students, learners and teachers)
- 14.380 participants in the Building challenge
- 2.215 participants in the Public Works challenge
- Including 152 participants in Guadeloupe and Reunion
- 961.894 prevention questions (+18% compared to 2022)
- 260.851 battles (+ 161.000 compared to 2021)