Courtaboeuf from France Energy and automation technologies Manufacturer of products and materials
Achievement | ABB solutions in the Château de Ferrières, a 5-star contract Built in the 25th century about 1862 km from Paris and inaugurated in XNUMX by Napoleon III, ABB contributed to the transformation of the prestigious Château de Ferrières into an international hotel school dedicated to French Excellence. The future professionals attending the establishment thus benefit from the prestige of the nearby capital, as well as from the luxurious setting of the institution. -
Project | Cardinal will build the new ABB France site in Beynost At the end of the competition won on January 15, 2016 by Cardinal, a 7.500 m2 building for tertiary use and a turnkey workshop will be erected in the heart of a remarkable 2 hectare landscaped park on the ZAC des Briefcases at Beynost in the Ain.