Organization News | The CCCA-BTP reveals its new logo, its ambition remains the same The CCCA-BTP changes its logo, but its ambition remains the same: to guarantee the building and public works sectors a high level of excellence, educational innovation and service in terms of apprenticeship and, more broadly, training. professional in construction professions in all territories. -
Contest / Prize / Trophy | Results of the construction division at the 47th edition of the WorldSkills Competition: construction professions on the national podium of excellence After three days of competition, the results of the national skills competition of the 47th edition of the WorldSkills Competition, which took place from September 14 to 16, were announced during the closing ceremony in Lyon. -
Study / Review / Report | 1st joint edition of the Apprentice Life Barometer and the Company Life Barometer The new edition of the Apprentice Life Barometer (BVA) and the Business Life Barometer (BVE) produced by the CCCA-BTP has just been published. These two surveys, which provide a precise snapshot of construction apprenticeship by those who experience it, are part of the process of analyzing construction apprenticeship trends undertaken for more than ten years by the CCCA-BTP.